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Marco Coach L1 / L2
He is the surfer “par excellence”, he who turned his passion into lifestyle. With some additions that make him popular with everyone: he loves animals, he goes out of his way for helping other people and he is always ready to give a kind word or an advice when you meet him in the waves. Although he has never stopped surfing at all levels, he continues his training: instructor L1-L2, he is also a surf coach trainer, promoter of surf-training on the Island, he continues to produce new training protocols inside and outside the water. His desire for new challenges, and the push to improve himself and his students, even led him, for the first time in Italy, to give a surf course... at the University!



Riccardo Istruttore L1
He is Marco’s brother, the other half of the school. He was born as a scuba diver, but then he felt in love with surfing and he has made great progress, ultimately taking the school by the hand and bring it to today's standards. If today the school can boast the Girl Surf Power, the first Italian surf competition entirely dedicated to women, or the unprecedented "freediving in surfing" course, we owe it to its organizational skills and vision of the future. There won't be a day when Riccardo doesn't give you a smile or he sorts a problem out, with his kind ways and his longboard always in the middle of the way, in and out of the water !! He is our main point of reference, for anything that can happen, and he will become yours too!



Gabriele L1 - Adaptive Surfing
Our own “professor” is an example of what surfing can do, even if it’s discovered late in life: while living abroad, he experienced the thrill of surfing by chance during an autumn work break, and from there his life changes. After three months he had a wetsuit and a board. He did not even know how to put the first and how to use the second. After six he moved here, and slowly learned both things. He has been surfing for 10 years now and is with us for the third season in a row. He can't answer the question of whether he likes surfing or teaching more; what is certain is that he is one of our CONI certified instructors, professional Educator, environmental-hiking guide and lifeguard. He carries out important environmental education activities, such as hiking around Porto Ferro with the boys and girls from UISP and carrying out the periodic beach cleaning.


Marialuisa Istruttrice Adaptive Surfing
She is another step forward in the growth of the school: MSc of preventive and adapted motor activities, specialized in disabilities, certified Power Pilates instructor and former national canoe and kayak athlete. We started training together during the last summer, enriching our training routines, while she immersed herself in the world of surfing, spending more and more time in the water.She helped us during the preparation and technical supervision of the lectures for the BSc students in Sports Sciences of the University of Sassari, and she has recently complemented our surf training program. You will look forward to train and improve with her!


He is an ambassador of the Kitesurf scene of northern Sardinia since the 2000s, organizer of the King of The North Shore competition, (international competition of kite surfing and windsurfing, wave riding specialties). and ISA Certified Judge too, (International Surfing Association). He approached surfing in order to improve his style of kite surfing, and immediately joined the surf school's rising project. By virtue of his long experience as president of The North Shore sports association, he actively collaborates in the development of the Bonga Surf School and its many events.



He arrived in Sardinia after having travelled the globe, thanks to his passion for science and marine wildlife. During afternoon breaks from work, conquered by the school logo, drawn by a child and portraying a whale, he experienced the thrill of surfing for the first time. And Porto Ferro has become his new home. It is a great pleasure for us to introduce you to the school's first marine biologist, who during the past two seasons from a pupil has become a friend, an adventure companion, and now finally a member of our staff. You will be charmed by his travel stories, studies and experiences and by his in-depth knowledge of the marine ecosystem, during one of our sup adventures in the Porto Conte Regional Park. Another surf doctor joined us!


She has been saved by Marco in Porto Ferro where she was abandoned 4 years ago, and she is now a dog rescue unit, baby sitter for children, protector of the Porto Ferro dunes, always present during surf lessons, she is the ideal dog for everyone. It is impossible to resist her.


He comes from the distant mountains of Sardinian inner part, and he eventually found a home in the Bonga Surf Family. He is the perfect alarm for the school van and keeper of your belongings during the surf class.


Fearless, reckless, lover of dangerous games and with an immeasurable self-esteem, he has challenged the white guardians of the Bonga surfhouse, risking his life several times. His stubbornness, characteristic of the family, has meant that he earned a place near the fireplace, thus becoming the mascot of the mascots. Now he walks in the neighborhood keeping his head up, with the two white bodyguards at his side.
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